Stay in my life. (L)
/ Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ 7:31 AM
So you are happy with your life now right. Then fine. My fault okay. Continue with what you are doing.
You never think about how I feel. Nevermind, nevermind. I have enough already, I am tired of all this.
Can you at least don't treat me as if I am not there or invisible. I am a human please, I got feeling.
Think the other way round, what if I am the one doing those things on you. Will you feel happy.
When you got problem, can just text me. It's not that I am not there for you, it's whether you want not.
From the start till now, did I ever force you before, even once ? No right. Did I treat you badly ? No.
I guess you are one of the most important person to me now. Can you text me when you got problem.
You should know no matter where I am or what happen, I would 100% confirm to reply your message.
Please, treat me as if I am always 24/7 there for you can. Always bloody upset cause of you.
Because of you, I can don't sleep last time. After so much, what's more you expect from me.
To me, you are the person I put in most effort to do something when you needed help. Now ?
Everything changes, you change, I change, no longer the young and innocent people anymore.
I don't want to elaborate more, you should know who you are. Sorry if you are hurt. :/


Anyway, morning meet Aletheia plus Eleen. (: Walked t sch. Was early. (: 717. (Y) :D
Maths first, finally I understand everything lah. (: After so long. (: Went thru some assignments. (:
Girls had t stay back after school cause we lost t th guys. ): Oh, crap luhh. ): Ms Seah always liddat.
Then follow by English, got into project group. Lily did the most thing. :X Sorry.
Talked t Zexuan alot bout relationship stuffs and more. (: Thanks, thanks. (L) I feel much better. (:
Science after, was doing barnabas thing. I hate that teacher lah. :@ Kaobei one siahh. :@ Stupid.
Then did science worksheet after. Hard siahh. ._. See the paper also don't know how. :X
Anyway, manage t finish literature plus science on time. (: Luckily. (:
Recess, chinese after. Boring, had chinese spelling. Then went thru worksheet. Plus reading of tb.
Assembly talk was boring. ): Slept for at least 25mins. (: Zexuan & Zhengying keep push me. >:

Went to 163 for lunch. Back to school after. Something funny happen lah, :D HAHAH. Laugh much.
Anyway, went up for media literacy at 245, when it was suppose to start at 230.
Maths Oasis, was walking slowly behind the class. (: Went to change to uniform. Then 3pm alr. ._.
Time flies. ): Went down to classroom take something, chat w Wenqian abit, went up 315 already.
Lol. Like whatthehell lah. ): Went dwn t canteen via technical block. (: (:
Level 3 toilet was filled w people. By right all GB lah. :X Lol. Hahah. (: Went down after.
Water parade and etc. Starting that time got lighting risk alert. -.- Oh, crap. Fml.
Waste my time change full uniform luhh. Totally never train for th SpeechDay at all. Whatthehell.
Slacked at canteen till 6, vesper, dismissed. (: Went to change. Went 711 buy food. (:
Ate at haven, then went home. Got abit fckedup with people. >:

In the end, called TessahKwan down. (L) Didn't want to go home early. :X Slacked awhile at 288.
Chatted alot. I told her loads of stuffs, almost cried out lah. >: All your fault lah, make me so upset. >:
Went home, put my bag + bathe, went down to sunshine place for dinner. (: Home after. (:
Wilson korh called, chatted with him for 2hours. (Y) Thanks much alright. (L)
Nothing much, gonna stop here. Tired already. ): Speechday end soon, please. ):

/ Wednesday, March 30, 2011 @ 12:46 AM
Almost late fr sch in th morning lah. ): Ytd slept damn late loh, couldnt sleep. Till 2am dhen can. ):
PE first luhh, siann. With Vegas's class, was like whatthehell loh, no mood.
JC cheat my feeling. ): Say whd he in D&T room, in th end another person. Lol. Laughs ~ (:
Ran outside sch 5rounds, timing was like shit. Ran w Alvin thou. Thanks fr th chat + listen t me complain. Hahah. :D
Got damn dulan over her. Bitch lahh, c me dhen run, if rly run, I bet i cfm run faster dhen youh loh. -'- Dog.
Dunt let me c youh again manz. Bought drinks after PE, cher no saw. Hahah.
Class after tt, sit w Zexuan. (: Thanks fr th chat hrh, JC also. (:
Did workbook after, zexuan damn slow lah, we all finish, he still gt 2pages mre. :X LOL.

Recess after. (:
Back t class fr Maths lesson, Ms Seah nvr come. (Y) Chatted alot. :D Told zexuan whd t change fr his iphone4 password. (Y) HAHAHA.
Geography lesson, tired. ): ): Lie dwn on th table t slp. Lol. Dhey though i cry. ._. Wth.
English still went well, went thru one passage. Ji boriing yi xia. -.- Talked t kugan. Hahah. :D
Lesson end abit ltr. Went t 711, wanted t buy food, bt since so many ppl, went t canteen eat loh.
Was late, carried bag fr JC & ZX. Heavy luhh, machiam put stone liddat. Wtf. ._.
At maths oasis, fb + doing advertisment thingy + blogging. :D
Nothing much liao lah. (: Ltr go home alr dhen edit. (:


Why the person that gave you the most memories the one that make you cry so often. ):

/ Sunday, March 27, 2011 @ 7:10 AM
Morning woke at 645. Scared 7 wake will late. ): Iron uniform and everything + pack all stuffs.
Left hse at 725, cab t lotone. Lol. Almost late alr. :/ Ate breakfast at mac w Candis & Eleen.
Cant wear full uni cause tie havent tie yet. :/ Candis nvr wear belt. LOL. Laughs ~ :D :D
First time wear full uni, wear till so epic siol. Siann diaoo. Saw Dorathy dhey al at busstop.
Same bus as dhem, (: Reached sch at around 825. (: Went classrm. Rehersal one time.
E&D starts. Weather damn hot loh. ): ): ): I dunt like lah. Fancy drills after. Hall program.
Hall programs sucks luhh. ): Boriing like hell. Alot ppl sleeping + talking.
I only love th testimony part by GWEN TEH. (Y) YAY ! :D Gold! ~ :D :D :D Happy. (:

Dhen lunch and etc. Changing. Area cleaning. Vesper. Ended. :D :D Finally. Lol.
Chatted at sch general office thr w Candis, Eleen, Wenqian, Huiwen dhey all. (:
Slaccked at ite abit. Got fedup abit lahh. Like wth. -.- I guess Jiejian more fedup. :X Got scolding. :X
Pity him much. :/ He like emo ttly after tt siol. Haiz. Talk t him also like heckcare heckcare.
Went t find aletheia after. (: Dhen went ite slacck awhile, teckwhye market w A, E, and J. (:
Ended up at th playground. Swing. (Y) Childhood. (L) :D JieJian & Zikang play till vy crazy. Hahah.
Home at 530. (: Bathe, tv. Called Tessah, wanted t eat dinner w her. Bt she nt free lah. ):
Dhen no choice loh, settle dinner w Wilson korh & Esther Jieh at sunshine place. Chatted alot.
I halfway wna giveup bout it alr loh, almost cried lah, dhey kp asking me dunt. Haiz. ):
I rly dk whd t do luhh, hope can get over it soon bahh. ): Home at 8. Early uhh. (: (:

Dad kp nag nag nag, can youh fucking stop nagging fr a day. Tiriing not. Wth. Got fckedup.
Continue do what im doing, rly ttyl heckcare him. :@
Called dearest, talked t her bout whd happen dis 2days in th morning. Haiz. ): Ttly upset siah.
Bt I guess its my fault. Sua, dunt wna talk bout it alr. It srsly kills. ):
Thanks fr all th cheering + comforting lahh. Wo ai ni men san ge. :D (L).

(L)' Imissyou, badly.

/ Saturday, March 26, 2011 @ 5:15 AM
Please lah, msg w a guy means like him mehh. Dhen hang out w guy call std or husband uh ? -.-
Whatthehell, brainless. -'- Dunt make me slap youh uh. -'- Continuous crap from th same person. -.-
Tiriing youh know. Why not youh try lahhh. See how youh fucking feel at tt moment lahh.
I bet youh wunt feel good also right. Dhen stop lahh, see ppl suffering youh very happy isit. -.-
Dhen dunt blame me fr making youh suffer in th end. -'- You caused it all.


Damn fckedup w ppl loh. Wth lahh. ): Mood like hell now. Thankstoyou. :@ Zz. Idw t c youh anymore.
Anw, morning woke at 715, packed everything, left home at 745. (: (: Waited at lrt station fr Grace.

Expected, she was late. Lrt t cck, saw Eleen. Hahah. :D Candis reached alr. :X
Went t busstop, saw Brian, teckwhye derh. (: Reach thr around 827 alr. Lol. Thought will b late. :X
Rehersal started, boriing sioll. ): Under th hot sun kills, srsly. ): Rehersal 2 or 3times. Cnt rmb. Lol.
Rly lah, do till i damn fckedup can, BBs kp changing changing changing.
In th end, heckcare alr lah, wrong dhen wrong loh. Tired alr, still change. :@ Lastyr E&D better. ):
Anw, rehersal ended at 1 I guess. :O Happy. :D Hahah. Walked t plaza w Vivian & Wenqian. (:
Chatted alot. Thanks. (L) Ate at kfc. (: Leezi, JieJian & Zikang came after.
Send uni fr alter, too short liao. ): Siann diao, waste money again. ): Slaccked at beside library thr.

With Eleen. Chatted. Went t find leezi dhey all, walked up & dwn th plaza.Still cnt find. -.-
In th end, dhey went t Wenqian under blk. We were like Wtf lah. Wenqian & Zikang went home first.
Chatted w Leezi dhey all. Home after. (: (: Thanks fr th day. (L) :D :D
Went t find dearest. :D Hahah. :D Slept at her hse awhile. Tired ttm lah. ): My leg aches like hell. ):
Whole week is like drill + PE running. ): Gosh, dk whether can survive till Speechday's over. ):
Crap, only monday and sunday free day. ): I wna cry alr lah. ): ): ):
She woke me up, ): She went buy thing. I continue slping. Lol. Slept till 5 dhen woke.
Lasttime left sm clothes at dearest hse, so can bathe. :D :D :D Yayy ! Went t plaza w dearest after.
Got my uni, bought dinner at basement, walked abit after. Bus inter, Aletheia called. (: (:
She say whd gt gold gt gold, I was like stunned. ._. LOL. Chatted w her alot. I cried while walking. :X
Too happy alr. Dearest thought I crazy. Lol. :D Ate at my hse, watch tv + chatting. (: Thanks. (L)
She say wna chat overnight w me, so ask her stay overnight at my hse. (: (: (: Love. (L)
Pei her go home get stuffs. (: End alr lah, too wordy. :X Hahahah. :D

(L)'Don't fall in love, fall off a bridge, it hurts lesser.

/ Thursday, March 24, 2011 @ 6:45 AM
Finally know why suddenly youh becum liddat lohh. If not because youh lost her, youh wunt bother ryt.
Dhen dunt bother at all in th end luhh, make me feel worse only. ):
Youh only think bout yourself, got think about how i will feel not.
I can tell youh im 100x mre hurt dhen youh are. ): Youh just didnt know. Think bfr youh do smth can.
Idw elaborate mre lah, make myself feel mre worse niahh. ): Ilove & hate youh at th same time. ):


Tdy srsly sucks ttm can. First was Science lab, kinda boring. Had some lecture luhhh.
Dhen did sm experiments, bored die me. ): Kugan only knoe how t play. Wth.
Left fr music lesson after, time flies. Over damn fast. Bt didnt pay much attention t th cher though.
Mind was always somewhere else. Dearest sorry uhh, didnt manage t reply eur sms, busy. :X
Maths, MsSeah didnt come again. (Y) If nt cfm gt scolding again. Same old routine.
Recess after, funny luhh. Laughed alot. (: (: Thanks fr all th joy & laughters. (: (:
Literature after, gt super siann diao due t some idiotic issues. Group w Jeremy, JC &Candis.
Didnt do much though. Was rly super tired lahhh. ): Wthell. Fml. ):

Art after, went t art rm, did some drawing. Sat w Meina, Tiankiat, Dunjie, YeeJian & Chiachin.
Laughed alot. Thanks hrh. (: (: Love. (L) E3. (Y) Hahah. Mood better abit alr. (:
English, went thru discourse marker. 3days say same thing. Boriing ttvm sioll.
Went t kfc fr lunch after. Got super fckedup lah. Wthell. F off frm my life, please.
Back t sch, gt speechday rehersal, got super siannn again. ): My mother dunt even knoe i gg fr cca.
If she knoe, i bet she nag like no tml lohh. Say whd waste time, and results rly drop alot.
Many times i dunt even knoe whd t tell her lohh. Speechday end soon, please, youh are killing me. ):
E&D on saturday & sunday somemore. My leg rly pain like shit. ): ): ): HOW, HOW HOW ?! ):

Did some running as punishment. Crappp. ): My leg became worse siahhh. ):
Tell me how continue drill uhhhhhhhh, I cnt tahan anymore luhh. Feel like just breaking down halfway.
Slaccked awhile at near haven. Home after. Called dearest, chatted w her. (:
Did feel much better. Thanks. (L) Meetupsoon. Nt gna elaborate mre. Tired. ):

/ Monday, March 21, 2011 @ 5:55 AM
Dearest Tessah (L) uhh, I nvr angry w youh lehh. Misunderstanding bahh. (: (: Youh knoe why I nvr say anth bout it despite knowing youh told him not, cause idw hurt frenship between youh and me + me & him mahh. (: (: But by telling him, youh are also telling him whd I always dunt dare t say mahh, so I must thank youh also lehh. (: (: Hahah. :D So, nxt time we gt any prob, just tell each other okayy. (: (: Dw ltr misunderstanding lik nw liddat. ): Not good leh, we 5yrs frenship alr, dw liddat jiu no mre lehh, me cfm super sadd one loh. ): Youh cheerup okayy. :D Iloveyouh. :D 5yrs & still counting. (L) :D :D


Morning woke at 610. :D Meet up w dearest at her hse downstairs. :D Walked t lrt station tgt. (:
Finally cleared out all misunderstandings. :D Thankyouhmuch. (L) (: (:
Seperated ways at lrt station, mood was rly vy good. Hahah. Meet Eleen at bp lrt. (:
Walked t sch, chatted much. (: Went t classrm cause raining. (: Tio caught fr skirt. Whatever ~ -.-
Had some leadership talk, I think 1/2 th time I was talking and playing. (Y) :D Hahah.
Changed seats fr 4 to 5 times i think. xD In th end sit w JeremyTan. :D Thanks fr entertaining. :D
Activites were quite funn. Lol. (: (: Enjoy much. (: Heheh.
Talk ended at 4pm, damn late loh. I thought is 2pm siahh. Chat my feeling. ): ): Almost fell asleep.
Went t Speechday rehersal. Tiring. ): Thought drill comp over no more drills, is like frm heaven t hell.
Ended at 608. Ji late yi xia. ): Still dare say 545 so loudly horhhh. Chat my feeling.

Went t haven, slaccked abit, meet dearest at southview lrt, headed t keathong market buy dinner. (:
Went t my hse after. (: Ate, chatted. Is like after telling her everything, feel damn happy lahh. Yay !!
She went home t change and pack, sleepover = night talking + crapping at my hse tdy. (Y) :D :D :D
Nothing much alr, dw elaborate much liao. Tired. ): Wna go pei dearest. :D (L)

Thanks for your msg, whatever you sent, no matter what it is about, it really enlighten my day. (L)

/ Saturday, March 19, 2011 @ 4:16 AM
Morning woke up damn early siahh, 7plus lehh. Waited fr Weiming di's call. [: Miss him. :D
8plus t call alr, thanks hrh. (: Knoe me too well alr, everytime morning if meet him cfm 7plus wake derh. (: (L)
Meet him at 288 playground thr at 9. Chatted alot. (: Bt he made me cry lah. ): Whatthehell. ):
Why must mention his name. ): ): ): Anws, thanks fr all th comforting after tt hrh. :/
Chatted atw till 1030, walked t Keathong market, had breakfast at Kfc. Still wasnt in a good mood.
Weiming di knoe Wilson was th one tt could cheer me, so he called him out. :/
Thanks muchh, I knoe youh 2 spend alot effort t cheer me. I try t stay cheerful everyday okayy. (: (:
Chatted & crapped around till 12plus. Hahah. Thanks uh, youh 2 made my day. :D :D Loves. (L)

Walked t lotone, bought th stuffs I wanted to. :D :D Damn happy lahh. :D :D
Phoned Tessah cumm out, slaccked at roof garden. :D Play truth or dare. Did smth stupid. Lol. XD
That one cfm stay w me as memories forever loh. :D :D :D
Went t basement, bought lots of food. Lol. Picnic. (Y) :D Went t Wilson's hse. (:
Watched tv, while dhey in th rm dk do whd. Lol. Teevee, mydarling. :D (L)
Fell asleep halfway, slept till 5plus. (: Woke up, went t use Wilson's lappy. :D Fb awhile, went t eat. (:
Weiming di nd go hm, send him dwn w TessahKwan (L)(L). :D Bought dinner at th same time. (:
Went bk, ate dinner, play games lame games. Lol. Kp ourselves entertain. XD

Tessah went home after, H2H talk w Wilson. Rly told him everything, even r/s stuffs. Trust. (Y)
Dunt expect me t tell youh a single shit when i dunt even trust youh lah. -'-
Nevermindd, dw let dis kind of shitty prob ruin my mood. (: (: (:
Homed at 9plus ltr bahh I guess. (: Gna go out tml again. :D

(L) ' Telling someone how you love them is like explaining what water tastes like.

1 year older on every 31 August.

'♥ Don't judge me cause you never know, never had and never will know all the ups and downs I have been thru.'
'♥ Friendship is a living thing that lasts only as long as it is nourished with kindness, sympathy and understanding.'

Aaron Ailena Alicia♥ Alvin Angela♥ Annie Asyiyah♥ Candis♥ Cheryl Chris Clara Cynthia Eileen Elaine Eunice♥ Esther Grace HuiLing HuiWen Jessie Jessle JiaLi JiaLing♥ JieShuang♥ JinWen Jocelyn Juliet♥ Keely Kimberly♥ Krystal Lily Lois Lydia♥ MeiNa MuEn Ms Neo Natasha QiuXuan ShuNa Tessa♥ Theresa♥ TingTing WanLing WenQian XueQi Class 6G'09♥ Class 1E3'10♥♥

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